T hc pre pa rat io n a nd l'csu lls of a fit ud ,' of sto ichiomctri c a nd diva lc nt catio n-de fi cicnt (defcct ) lead and calciu m hyd rox~'apatitcs" a rc r c po r tcd. X-ray d ifTraction and i ndcx-ofrcfract io n data show that it is possible to ha\'c di valc nt cat ionfi Illiss ing fro lll "colu lll nar" pos i~i on s i n t.hc h): d roxyapat itc str uct ure, \I'ith poss ibl c hy d rogc n bo ndi ng in p ro pcr p r oport ion [01' clcctl'lcal nc ut ra llt y , A ge neral fo r mu la for apatites is suggcstcd to bc D lO-xi\fzx( P O')6( OII jz, whcrc D rcpr esc nts t he d i,'al c nt cation (P b+2, Ca+z, :\fg+2, ctc.) a nd :\1 t hc m onovalc nt catio n, s uch as Xa+ a nd H +, and t hc u ppcr limit of .1: is p robably 2. It is sugges tcd that t hc apa t itc po rt ion of bonc and tooth minc ral Illa,' be somc fo r m of dcfcct apat itc. "