Editorial on the Research Topic Application of plant secondary metabolites to pain neuromodulation, volume IIPain is an uncomfortable condition that is clinically associated with many diseases such as cancer/tumor, metabolic disorders such as diabetes, neurological diseases such as epilepsy and chronic infectious diseases, and functional disorders (Li et al., 2019;Yang, 2019;Singla et al., 2021a;Singla et al., 2021b). The neuromodulation approach has used electrical interfaces to modulate neuronal activity and has proven effective in treating various neurological disorders, including chronic pain (James et al., 2018). It has been adopted and accepted as an alternative techniques because of high attrition rates, costs as well as regulatory conditions in case of pharmacological agents (James et al., 2018). But in order to ascertain the aesthetic and appropriate usage of neurostimulation technique, organizations like "The International Neuromodulation Society (INS)" have framed the practice guidelines (Deer et al., 2014a;Deer et al., 2014b). Even for the cancer pain management, "The Indian Society for Study of Pain (ISSP)" have also prepared guidelines to cover palliative care aspects (Thota et al., 2020). As an alternative to both the synthetic pharmacological agents as well as neurostimulaory techniques, natural products have had a lot of translational potential to reach the bedside (