In this paper the biological influence of deuterium on cells of various taxonomic groups of prokaryotic and eucaryotic microorganisms realizing methylotrophic, chemoheterotrophic, photoorganotrophic, and photosynthetic ways of assimilation of carbon substrates (methylotrophic bacteria Brevibacterium methylicum, chemoheterotrophic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, photoorganotrophic halobacteria Halobacterium halobium, and green algae Chlorella vulgaris) was investigated at the growth on media with heavy water ( 2 H2O). For all investigated microorganisms are submitted data on growth and adaptation on growth media containing as sources of deuterated substrates 2 H2O, [ 2 H]methanol and hydrolysates of deutero-biomass of methylotrophic bacteria B. methylicum, obtained after the multistage adaptation to 2 H2O. The qualitative and quantitative composition of intra-and endocellular amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids in conditions of adaptation to 2 H2O is investigated. It is shown, that the effects observed at adaptation to 2 H2O, possess a complex multifactorial character and connected to physiological, morphological
143Russian Journal of Biological Research, 2015, Vol. (5), Is. 3 and cytological alterations -the magnitude of the lag-period, time of cellular generation, output of biomass, a parity ratio of synthesized amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, and also with an evolutionary level of the organization of the investigated object and the pathways of assimilation of carbon substrates.Keywords: deuterium, heavy water, adaptation, isotopic effects, bacteria, micro algae.
IntroductionThe most interesting biological phenomenon is the ability of some microorganisms to grow on heavy water ( 2 H2O) media in which all hydrogen atoms are replaced with deuterium [1, 2]. 2 H2O has high environmental potential in biomedical studies due to the absence of radioactivity and poccebility of detecting the deuterium label in the molecule by high-resolution methods as NMR, IR, and mass spectrometry that facilitates its use as a tracer in biochemical and biomedical research [3]. The average ratio of 1 H/ 2 H in nature makes up approximately 1:5700 [4]. In natural waters, the deuterium is distributed irregularly: from 0,02-0,03 mol.% for river water and sea water, to 0,015 mol.% for water of Antarctic ice -the most purified from deuterium natural water containing in 1,5 times less deuterium than that of seawater. O = 1894 . 10 -6 (1894 ppm). In surface waters, the ratio 2 H/ 1 H = ∼(1,32-1,51) . 10 -4 , while in the coastal seawater -∼(1,55-1,56) . 10 -4 . The natural waters of CIS countries are characterized by negative deviations from SMOW standard to (1,0-1,5) . 10 -5 , in some places up to (6,0-6,7) . 10 -5 , but however there are also observed the positive deviations at 2,0 . 10 -5 .The chemical structure of 2 H2O molecule is analogous to that one for Н2O, with small differences in the length of the covalent H-O-bonds and the angles between them. The molecular mass of 2 H2O exceeds on 10% th...