A. Reshe"ilov, V. Arlyapov, V. Alferov and T. Reshe"ilova Addi"ional informa"ion is available a" "he end of "he chap"er h""p://dx.doi.org/10.5772/52385
. IntroductionHousehold and industrial human activities cause ever increasing pollution of water bodies of rivers, lakes, water reservoirs, seas. Express assessment of the extent of pollution by organic compounds is an important and, in some cases, essential component of ecological control. Given the constantly growing list of substances released into the environment as pollutants, it can be stated that complete chemical analysis is a complex and expensive procedure. An efficient tool of analysis proves to be methods based on an integral assessment of organic components. In this context, significant attention is given to the development of biosensor methods of control that enable an integral estimate of pollution density, considerably increase operational efficiency of the analysis and reduce its cost D'Souza, .An essential integral characteristic of the quality of water is biochemical oxygen demand BOD , i.e., the amount of dissolved oxygen in mg required to oxidize all biodegradable organic compounds that occur in dm of water. The BOD assessment is an empirical test in which a standardized laboratory procedure is used to determine the oxygen demand in analyzed water samples. The BOD is determined conditionally by the change of oxygen content before and after placing a water sample into a sealed flask and holding it for a certain period of time. The standard BOD determination method assumes incubation of an oxygensaturated sample, into which activated sludge a mixture of various microorganisms is introduced, for , , or days BOD , BOD , BOD or BOD , respectively at °C Standard Methods…, . The obtained result -the amount of consumed oxygen normalized to dm -characterizes the total content of biochemically oxidizable organic impurities in water, as well as its capability of self-clarification. In surface waters of most water bodies, the values of BOD usually change within the range of . -mg/dm and are subject © 2013 Reshe"ilov e" al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access ar"icle dis"rib""ed "nder "he "erms of "he Crea"ive Commons A""rib""ion License (h""p://crea"ivecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permi"s "nres"ric"ed "se, dis"rib""ion, and reprod"c"ion in any medi"m, provided "he original work is properly ci"ed.to seasonal and diurnal variations. Changes of BOD values vary rather significantly depending on the extent of water body pollution. Depending on the category of a water body, the value of BOD is regulated as follows it should be no more than mg/dm for water bodies of household water use and no more than mg/dm for water bodies of social-amenity and recreational water use. For seas categories I and II of fish-husbandry water utilization the BOD at °C should not exceed mg/dm . The BOD test is also widely used at wastewater treatment facilities to assess the biodegradation efficiency in wastewater purification processes. The traditional BOD test has cert...