. 2015. Effect of water stress on dry mass accumulation and allocation in sweet potato based on stable isotope analysis. Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 263Á271. Pot experiments were conducted to study the effect of water stress on the dry mass accumulation, allocation, ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity and stable carbon isotope composition in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Three water regimes (50, 75 and 100% field water capacity, respectively) were investigated. Water stress effects on dry mass accumulation, allocation, gas exchange, stable carbon isotope composition and Rubisco enzyme activity were detected in sweet potato at different stages (seedling, vegetative, early maturity, and late maturity). In addition, relationships between Rubisco activity and photosynthetic rate, dry stress allocation and D 13 C under different water regimes were explored. The allocation of dry mass and D 13 C in leaves, petioles, stems and roots exhibited highest level in soil with 100% moisture content at different growth stages. The photosynthetic rate, transpiration, stomatal conductance, and RuBisCo activity of sweet potato at different growth stages also increased with increasing soil water content. The regression equations between the activity of RuBisCo and photosynthetic rate in 50, 75 and 100% field capacity were y00.675x (1.846, y 00.798x(1.370, and y 00.516x'3.887. A positive correlation between dry mass allocation and D 13 C was observed. Water stress could affect dry mass accumulation, allocation, gas exchange, RuBisCo activity, and D 13 C content in sweet potato organs during plant development stages. Incidence du stress hydrique sur l'accumulation et la re´partition de la matie`re se`che chez la patate douce d'apre`s l'analyse des isotopes stables. Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 263Á271. Les auteurs ont effectue´des expe´riences en pot pour ve´rifier les conse´quences du stress hydrique sur l'accumulation de matie`re se`che, sa re´partition, l'activite´de la ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxyge´nase (Rubisco) et la composition des isotopes stables du carbone chez la patate douce (Ipomoea batatas L.). Ils se sont penche´s sur trois re´gimes hydriques (50 %, 75 % et 100 % de la capacite´au champ). Les conse´quences du stress hydrique sur l'accumulation de matie`re se`che, sa re´partition, les e´changes gazeux, la composition des isotopes stables du carbone et l'activite´de l'enzyme Rubisco ont e´te´de´cele´es chez la patate douce a`diffe´rents stades (plantule, croissance ve´ge´tative, de´but de la maturite´, fin de la maturite´). Les auteurs ont e´galement examine´les liens entre l'activite´de l'enzyme Rubisco et le taux de photosynthe`se, la re´partition du stress de la se´cheresse et les isotopes D 13 C sous divers re´gimes hydriques. La re´partition de la matie`re se`che et des isotopes D 13 C dans les feuilles, les pe´tioles et les racines atteint son plus haut niveau quand la teneur en eau atteint 100 % a`diffe´rents stades de croissance. Le taux de photosynthe`se, la transpiration...