During the last few decades, space has gained extensive importance in many aspects of military operations. The 'Star Wars' started in military competition and is still a main component of military. Today Eagle is sole super power of the world and space as well but this position is not sure in future due to Dragon rising, as global power in both hard and soft power. A strong example of this doctrine was Dragon ASAT test in January 2007, which was a clear wakeup call for Eagle and greatly influenced the security and military capabilities of the Eagle and rest of the world as well. India is also investing huge amount on its space program and singed a bilateral agreement with U.S and Israel to establish collaboration in the both civilian and military space program and nuclear deal as well. This space cooperation and nuclear deal has deeply affected the security environment of South Asia and opened the eyes of both China and Pakistan. A new 'Star Wars' between Eagle and Dragon is also the base of South Asian space race that is a disaster for the peace and security of South Asia and would make dangerous zone of the world. Therefore, Pakistan must accept and deal with the reality that conflicts and wars in today's world will be driven by the increasing interdependence between conventional, nuclear, and space war. The terms in this article Eagle & Dragon refer U.S & China: Eagle refers for U.S and Dragon for China.