LOUISE NADON and MIKLOS ZADOR. Can. J. Chem. 52, 2667 (1974) The kinetics of decomposition of the organo-thallic adduct formed in methanol between styrene and TI(OAC)~, (C6H,-CH(OCH,)-CHZ-T1(OAc)Z) has been studied in a watermethanol solvent. The reaction follows a first order rate law. The organo-thallic compound, RTI(OAC)~, is shown to be dissociated at low concentrations yielding two reactive specles, RTIOH+ and RTl2+. The influence of acidity on the rate of decomposition shows that RT12+ is much more reactive than RTIOHt. The kinetic parameters have been determined. The implication of the results on the rate-determining step of TI(II1) oxidation of styrene is discussed.LOUISE NADON et MIKLOS ZADOR. Can. J. Chem. 52, 2667Chem. 52, (1974. La cinetique de decomposition du compose organo-thallique forrne dans le methanol entre le styrene et TI(OAc),, (C,H,-CH(OCH,)-CHZ-Tl(OAc),) a ete etudiee dans un melange eau-methanol. La cinetique de la reaction est du premier ordre. Le compose organo-thallique, RTI(OAc),, se dissocie a faible concentration et conduit a deux especes reactives RTIOHt et RT12 + . L'influence de I'acide sur la vitesse de dCcomposition montre que RTIZ + est b e a u c o~~p plus reactif que RTIOH+. Les pararnetres cinetiques ont ete determines. Les consequences de ces resultats sur I'etape determinante de I'oxydation thallique du styrene sont discutees. Several workers have ~reviouslv described the 0 oxidation of a variety ofolefins b i thallium (111)