Our goal is to prove the stability of negation in the Portuguese history. We propose get the fact that negation and verb always occur amalgamed in portuguese, and we also explain why negation was never been a context of XPs' interpolation, otherwise the others proclitic adverbals, but it was the greater interpolated element. We argue that these facts derive from an statute of clitic to negation. But, on the contary of the pronominal clitics, there wasn't any change about negation operator -'não' -on the History of Portuguese. The analysis in the Distributed Morphology Theory foresees that the incorporation of I° to S-Neg° is obligatory.
KeywordsNegation; Clitics; Gramatical change; Morphology.
ResumoO objetivo deste trabalho foi provar a estabilidade do marcador de negação sentencial em toda a história do português versus a instabilidade dos pronomes clíticos, isto é, contrariamente ao que acontece com os clíticos pronominais, não houve mudança relacionada à palavra 'não' na diacronia do português. Nossa proposta captura o fato de o operador de negação 'não' ocorrer amalgamado