The Public Health Intervention Wheel (PHI Wheel) is a population‐based practice model for public health nursing practice that encompasses three levels of practice (community, systems, individual/family) and 17 public health interventions. This article shares the story of how the PHI Wheel was created, disseminated, implemented by public health nurses (PHNs) and educators across the globe, and updated with new evidence published in the second edition of Public Health Interventions: Applications for Public Health Nursing in 2019. Evidence on the relevance of PHI Wheel interventions for public health practice in cultural and international settings supports the model's value in explaining PHN practice. This article highlights the experiences of various countries with the PHI Wheel including Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The evidence update confirms the relevance of the model to PHN education and practice and reinforces the conviction that development of new evidence is essential for promoting population health.