Quantum decoherence in organic charge transport is a complicated but crucial topic. In this paper, several theoretical approaches corresponding to it, from incoherent to coherent, are comprehensively reviewed. We mainly focus on the physical insight provided by each theory and extent of its validity. The aim of this review is to clarify some contentious issues and elaborate on the promising perspectives provided by different approaches. The device model approaches based on both continuous and discretized treatments of the transporting layer will be first discussed. The prominent focus of this review will be devoted to the dynamic disorder model and its variants considering that it is the most promising approach to tackle charge transport problems in organic materials. We will also address other theories such as the variational method. As in all other molecular systems, the electronic coherence is an important aspect in the transport in organic semiconductors (OSCs). The phonon spectrum, consisting of both the intra-and inter-molecular ones, covers an extensive regime and makes almost all the theories about coherence inefficient. As opposed to the biomolecular systems in which the regime of interest is where the long-lived coherence exists and is thus typically specific [1], a very wide range of issues for organic semiconductors spanning completely incoherent (classical) to completely coherent (quantum) exist [2,3]. For example, to study the mobility in a given molecular system, one can utilize classical (device model [4] or kinetic Monte Carlo simulation [5]), semiclassical (surface hopping algorithm [6]), mixed quantum classical (dynamic disorder model [7] and Ehrenfest method [8]), and quantum (variational ansatz) theories. The diverse theoretical treatments make the problems obscure for experimentalists and theoreticians alike. In this review, we will briefly introduce each of these approaches and attempt to provide insights related to their applicability. The charge carriers in OSCs are recognized to be (positively or negatively) charged polarons, due to the strong self-trapping effect from lattice distortion and vibration. Polarons could be small or large, depending on the relative scales of intra-and inter-molecular interactions [9]. In a lattice model, these interactions could be described by diagonal and off-diagonal electron-phonon couplings. A typical single-carrier Hamiltonian then should be as follows [10]