Highlights• We propose a new paradigm for next generation enterprise information systems for the continuous alignment of business and IT for the agile enterprise.• The metamodelling approach supports both human-interpretable enterprise architecture models and machineinterpretable enterprise ontologies.• Semantic lifting transforms metamodels for the enterprise architectures into machine-interpretable enterprise ontologies.• Semantic metamodels express the semantics of all modelling concepts by an ontology. The ontology is extended by a metamodel, which defines the notation and syntax of the graphical modelling language.• Examples of next generation enterprise information systems are described, which embed modelling tools and algorithms for model analysis, identification of adaptation needs, and risk assessment.Abstract-The paper deals with Next Generation Enterprise Information Systems in the context of Enterprise Engineering. The continuous alignment of business and IT in a rapidly changing environment is a grand challenge for today's enterprises. The ability to react timeously to continuous and unexpected change is called agility and is an essential quality of the modern enterprise. Being agile has consequences for the engineering of enterprises and enterprise information systems. We propose a new paradigm for next generation enterprise information systems, which shifts the development approach of model-driven engineering to continuous adaptation of the agile enterprise. We propose a metamodeling approach, which supports both humaninterpretable representations, i.e. graphical models, and machine-interpretable representations, namely enterprise ontologies. Furthermore, we describe next generation enterprise information systems, which embed modeling tools and algorithms for model analysis.Keywords-Enterprise Engineering, Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Ontology, Metamodeling Topic-Engineering the agile enterprise, embedding enterprise architecture and enterprise ontology into information systems 2