“…The importance of the presence of the disease in everyday life as a health condition that goes beyond their economic, social, racial or cultural situation, seems to be an entity that contends something unexpected, capable of stimulating the thought of distrust, but also to the concrete action of facilitating the dialogue between what you feel and what you think, it is a scenario for the construction of responsibility as key points for dialogue in the discourses of these women when one informs the relationship between a sense of dialogue as a center of debate, and the challenge to achieve confidence in that social being overwhelmed by the disease, as shown in the dialogues: …One minute, an eternal rest, it's an oversight that leads you to death, that's why one minute is an eternal rest, that means, there is no communication, nothing, I don't speak about my problem, but it drowns my body, even though it speaks to me I do not hear it… These evidences lead to different knowledge of these women, when they build them with the lifestyle of the disease, with the help of experiences through the social world [10] when the body speaks and they do not listen to it, it takes only a minute for an eternal rest, that story is a sense of death, with that dialogic that is inside and confronts a position to their actions of relationship and interaction in their daily life. Buber (1982) [5] situates dialogue as the heart of communication and human existence with other people, it is a way to promote the development of oneself with the knowledge of the real world that lives in its social en-vironment [18].…”