Steam reforming solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems
are important
devices to promote carbon neutralization and clean energy conversion.
It is difficult to monitor system working conditions in real time
due to the possible fusion fault degradation under high temperatures
and the seal environment, so it is necessary to design an effective
system multifault degradation assessment strategy for solid oxide
fuel cell systems. Therefore, in this paper, a novel hybrid model
is developed. The hybrid model is built to look for the system fault
reason based on first principles, machine learning (radial basis function
neural network), and a multimodal classification algorithm. Then,
stack, key balance of plant components (afterburner, heat exchanger,
and reformer), thermoelectric performance, and system efficiency are
studied during the progress of the system experiment. The results
show that the novel hybrid model can track well the system operation
trend, and solid oxide fuel cell system working dynamic performance
can be obtained. Furthermore, four fault types of solid oxide fuel
cell systems are analyzed with thermoelectric parameters and energy
conversion efficiency based on transition and fault stages, and two
cases are also successful by using the built model to decouple the
multifault degradation fusion. In addition, the solid oxide fuel cell
multifault degradation fusion assessment method proposed in this paper
can also be used in other fuel cell systems.