This reportwas preparedas an accountof work_-_nsorcdby an agcncyof the UnitedStates Government.Neither the United StatesGovernmentnorany agencythereof,norany of their employees, makesany warranty, expressor implied,or assumesany legal liabilityor responsibility for the accuracy,complctcness, or usefulnessof any information, apparatus, product, or processdisclosed,or representsthat its use wouldnot infringeprivatelyownedtights,Rcfcr-cnc¢hereinto any specificcommercial product, process,or serviceby tradename,trademark, manufacturer, or otherwisedoes not ne, c, essarilyconstituteor imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoringby the UnitedStates Govcrnmcnt or any agencythcrco[ The vi¢.ws and opin!onsof authors expressedherein do not necessarilystate or reflectthose of the UnitedStates Government orany agencythcrcof. L, IST OF FIGURES F_gure No, Page I Mass Spectrometric _tomie Weight Method,.. 3 2 NBS-Design 3C)-cm Radius oi" Curvature, 90°Magneti,c Sector' Sol ld Sample Mass Speetr'ometer 9 AC, KNOWLEIX]I_NTS