Please cite this article as: S. Kumar, et al., Enhanced local maximum-entropy approximation for stable meshfree simulations, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. (2018), https://doi.
AbstractWe introduce an improved meshfree approximation scheme which is based on the local maximum-entropy strategy as a compromise between shape function locality and entropy in an information-theoretical sense. The improved version is specifically designed for severe, finite deformation and offers significantly enhanced stability as opposed to the original formulation. This is achieved by (i) formulating the quasistatic mechanical boundary value problem in a suitable updated-Lagrangian setting, (ii) introducing anisotropy in the shape function support to accommodate directional variations in nodal spacing with increasing deformation and eliminate tensile instability, (iii) spatially bounding and evolving shape function support to restrict the domain of influence and increase efficiency, (iv) truncating shape functions at interfaces in order to stably represent multi-component systems like composites or polycrystals. The new scheme is applied to benchmark problems of severe elastic and elastoplastic deformation that demonstrate its performance both in terms of accuracy (as compared to exact solutions and, where applicable, finite element simulations) and efficiency. Importantly, the presented formulation overcomes the classical tensile instability found in most meshfree interpolation schemes, as shown for stable simulations of, e.g., the inhomogeneous extension of a hyperelastic block up to 100% or the torsion of a hyperelastic cube by 200 • -both in an updated Lagrangian setting and without the need for remeshing. Sulsky et al., 1994Sulsky et al., , 1995Li et al., 2010), all of which circumvent mesh-related problems by treating nodes as interacting particles. However, meshfree methods have problems that are different from those of FEM and involve, in particular, the treatment of discontinuities and boundary conditions as well as numerical instabilities. Belytschko et al. (2000) showed that all kernel-based meshfree methods experience a rank-deficiency instability that causes spurious modes. This instability can be eliminated by sampling away from the nodes for numerical integration, using, e.g., stress-point integration (Dyka and Ingel, 1995;Dyka et al., 1997;Randles and Libersky, 1996) or material-point integration (Arroyo and Ortiz, 2006;Li et al., 2010)). Additionally, Belytschko et al. (2000) showed that, when the discretization is formulated in an updated-Lagrangian setting, a purely numerical instability called tensile instability arises from the changing nodal spacing and the associated localization of the shape function support. Addressing the tensile instability usually involves adaptive evolution of the characteristic lengths of the approximants, which is not trivial for most approximation schemes such as, e.g., moving least-squares (MLS) approximants. Meshfree schemes also face challenges in accurately capturing material i...