Conventional power estimation techniques are prone to many sources of error. With increasing dominance of coupling capacitances, capacitive coupling potentially contributes significantly to UDSM power consumption. We analyze potential sources of inaccuracy in power estimation, focusing on those due to coupling. Our results suggest that traditional power estimates can be off by as much as 50%.
IntroductionThe advent of low-power portable devices along with continued increases in device density and operating frequency make power consumption a major concern in modern VLSI design. In this work, we seek to identify sources of error in power estimation, focusing on those which arise if effects of capacitive coupling are ignored. Our aim is not to propose new coupling-aware power estimation techniques but rather to quantify the error in noncoupling aware methods. Here, "ignoring" coupling includes ignoring crosstalk noise, as well as ignoring neighbor switching and its effect on effective value of coupling capacitance.Capacitive switching, leakage, short-circuit current and standby current are the sources of power consumption. Static power refers to the sum of leakage and standby power while dynamic power is the sum of short-circuit and switching power 1 . In this work, we concern ourselves with dynamic power consumption and capacitive switching in particular. Power estimation approaches can be classified into two categories, as follows.• Simulative Techniques. These techniques employ direct simulation or statistical sampling techniques. Issues such as hazard generation and propagation, or reconvergent fanoutinduced correlations, are automatically taken into consideration. If performed after layout and parasitic extraction, accurate estimation of capacitances (including coupling) and their effects is possible. A circuit simulator such as HSpice [10] or Powermill [18] is used for estimation of average power. A gate-level HDL simulation using tools such as NC-Verilog can also be adapted to report power dissipation using power models of gates from the library.• Probabilistic Techniques. To avoid the strong pattern dependence and huge running times of simulation-based approaches, probabilistic approaches are used. These calculate probabilities of switching activity for each circuit node and multiply by CV 2 dd to obtain the node's energy consumption. This dynamic capacitive power is summed up over all nodes to obtain total energy consumption of the circuit. The transition probability of each gate is sometimes referred to as the * This research was supported in part by the MARCO Gigascale Silicon Research Center and Cadence Design Systems, Inc.1 There may be some clash of terminology here as the term dynamic power is sometimes used to refer to total instantaneous peak power rather than the time averaged power we use it for. We use the terminology presented in [17]. activity factor [3,7].[8] predicts constant activity factor of 0.15 through all technology nodes.Except for transistor-level simulation, typical power es...