The Central European Basin is very suitable for high-resolution multistratigraphy of Late Permian to Early Triassic continental deposits. Here, the well exposed transition of the lithostratigraphic Zechstein and Buntsandstein Groups of central Germany was studied for isotope-chemostratigraphy (δ 13 Corg, δ 13 Ccarb, δ 18 Ocarb), major-and trace-element geochemistry, magnetostratigraphy, palynology, and conchostracan biostratigraphy. The analyzed material was obtained from both classical key sections (abandoned Nelben clay pit, Caaschwitz quarries, Thale railway cut, abandoned Heinebach clay pit) and a recent drill core section (Caaschwitz 6/2012) spanning the Permian-Triassic boundary. The Zechstein-Buntsandstein transition consists of a complex sedimentary facies comprising sabkha, playalake, aeolian, and fluvial deposits of predominantly red-colored siliciclastics and intercalations of lacustrine oolitic limestones. The new data on δ 13 Corg range from-28.73 ‰ to-21.67 ‰ showing multiple excursions. Strongest negative shifts correlate to single intercalations of oolites and gray-colored clayey siltstones, while isotopically more heavy shifts correspond to an onset of palaeosoil overprint. The δ 13 Ccarb range from-9.69 ‰ to-1.34 ‰ with strongest variations recorded in dolomitic nodules from the Zechstein Group. A correlation of δ 18 Ocarb-values with the carbonate content is interpreted to reflect diagenesis. In contrast to sedimentary facies shifts across the Zechstein-Buntsandstein boundary, majorelement values used as proxy (CIA, CIA*, CIA-K) for palaeoclimate conditions indicate climatic stability. Trace-element data used for a geochemical characterization of the Late Permian to Early Triassic transition in central Germany indicate a decrease in the Rb at the Zechstein-Buntsandstein boundary.New palynological data obtained from the Caaschwitz quarry section reveal occurrences of Late Permian palynomorphs in the Lower Fulda Formation, while Early Triassic elements were recorded in the upper part of the Upper Fulda Formation. The present study confirms an onset of a normal-polarized magnetozone in the Upper Fulda Formation of the Caaschwitz quarry section supporting an interregional correlation of this crucial stratigraphic interval with the normal magnetic polarity of the basal Early Triassic known from marine sections in other regions. Based on a synthesis of the multistratigraphic data, the Permian-Triassic boundary is proposed to be placed in the lower part of the Upper Fulda Formation, which is biostratigraphically confirmed by the first occurrence date of the Early Triassic Euestheria gutta-Palaeolimnadiopsis vilujensis conchostracan fauna. Rare records of conchostracans reported from the siliciclastic deposits of the lower to middle Zechstein Group may point to its potential for further biostratigraphic subdivision of the Late Permian continental deposits.