In this work, we discuss how Araujo Hagemeijer’s Santome/Portuguese bilingual dictionary (ARAUJO; HAGEMEIJER, 2013) defines and describes ideophones and realia entries. We show that ideophones were listed individually along with their collocation counterparts. Realia entries (words and expressions for culture-specific items) were presented in their Santomean forms, followed by a description of their endemic specificities. Many realia items from Santome can also be found in Portuguese. We conclude that the authors contribute to the lexicographic record of ideophones, lexical items that did not exist in Portuguese, but relevant to the language and culture of Santome. On the other hand, with the documentation of realia entries, they collaborate for the validation of lexical units (originated in Santome) in the local vernacular variety of São Tomé and Príncipe’s Portuguese, a common historical practice in Portuguese lexicography.