We highlight in this dossier, among the issues that bring Latin American countries together, the political challenges surrounding the provision of education and the strengthening of democracy, and the reflection of the adoption of political measures that lead to a high percentage of indigence and poverty in most countries of the region. The politicaleconomic agenda was built on the tension from two different perspectives, the implementation of neoliberal and conservative policies, bumps into collective organization to resist exclusion and propose different social projects. It is in this context, increasingly fierce in terms of conflicts and struggles, that reflections are needed on various aspects that shape our reality, such as education and the strengthening of democracy. It is along these lines that we are interested in the connection between education and other areas of social life, such as: education and work, education and citizenship, education and teaching work, education and evaluation, education and international organizations; among others. This is how we present reflections on different perspectives that problematize some aspects of educational policies and practices in the region. We invite you to get to know, debate and exchange experiences about the reality through the contributions on education and its alternatives, criticism and theoretical reflections present in this Dossier and that they help to build more democracy through education and social justice.