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GABRIELA TAVARES DOS SANTOS.v18n1p40-65. Submission: Jan. 10, 2016. Acceptance: July 26, 2016. Evaluation system: double blind review. UNIVERSIDADE PRESBITERIANA MACKENZIE. Silvio Popadiuk (Editor), Eda Castro Lucas de Souza (Associate Editor), p. 40-65. The comics as teaching strategy in learning of students in an undergraduate management
ABSTRACTPurpose: This article aims to evaluate the use of comics as an active teaching strategy in learning of students in a management undergraduate program. Originality/gap/relevance/implications: The proposal presented in this article brings a theoretical-practical contribution to education in management, since it describes the steps for the use of a strategy involving use of comics as a teaching tool by the professor in the classroom, and also promotes the researcher's reflections on innovative teaching strategies for education in management in Brazil. Key methodological aspects: The study is qualitative and the research method adopted followed the assumptions and steps of the action research of Cousin (2009): recognition, planning, action, observation and reflection. Cousin's description was adapted to the context of teaching.
Summary of key results:The results obtained indicate that using presentation of comics as a teaching strategy can enhance competence development, assist in the development of innovation and flexibility, and also contribute to reducing the gap between theory and practice. In addition, it can help students develop a critical sense, help to establish relationships between events and managerial situations, and encourage the exchange of experiences, assisting in decision-making and allowing students to represent a professional situation based on theoretical precepts. Finally, it contributes to the development of reflective practice in the learning environment and, in particular, promotes the development of creativity, something that was observed throughout the implementation of the strategy. Key considerations/conclusions: It is expected that the study will contribute to the dissemination of the strategy in other programs and institutions and encourage teachers to use comics in the learning processes of their students.