The Fermi energy dependence of the G-band resonance Raman spectra of single-wall carbon nanotubes ͑SWNTs͒ is calculated, including the Kohn anomaly effect for metallic tubes. The gate voltage dependence of the G-band Raman spectra for SWNTs shows chirality-dependent G + / G − spectra, reflecting their dependence on the eigenvector direction of the optical ͑LO and TO͒ phonon modes and the nanotube chirality. The G-band Raman spectra of single-wall carbon nanotubes ͑SWNTs͒ arise from the first-order, one-phonon, and intravalley G-band Raman-scattering processes, 1,2 which have been widely utilized for characterizing SWNTs and graphene. The G-band spectra of a SWNT consist of a higher-frequency peak ͑G + ͒ near 1580ϳ 1590 cm −1 and a lower-frequency peak ͑G − ͒ in the range 1550ϳ 1570 cm −1 . For semiconducting tubes ͑S-SWNT͒, the G + and G − peaks can be assigned to longitudinal-optical ͑LO͒ and transverseoptical ͑TO͒ phonon modes, respectively, while the G + and G − peaks of metallic tubes ͑M-SWNTs͒ are assigned to TO and LO phonon modes, respectively, because of the Kohn anomaly ͑KA͒ effect for phonons at the ⌫ point. [3][4][5][6][7][8] For the KA effect, the self-energy correction to the LO and TO phonon modes by the virtual excitation of an electron-hole pair causes a softening and a hardening of the LO and TO phonon frequencies, respectively. [7][8][9] Recently Nguyen et al. 7 and Farhat et al. 8 observed the Fermi energy ͑E F ͒ dependence of the phonon-softening effect of SWNTs by using an electrochemical gate, and their results clearly show that the LO phonon mode softens as a function of E F . Thus the E F -dependent Raman spectra measurement is important for SWNT field effect transistor operation. However, the observed G-band Raman spectra of an individual SWNT show an anomalous behavior depending on the chirality ͑n , m͒ of a SWNT, 10 caused in part by the dependence of the relative intensity of the Raman G + to G − -band features ͑I G + / I G −͒ on the chirality and diameter. 11 For S-SWNTs, the G + peak is dominant at the zigzag chiral angle ͑ =0°͒, while both the G + and G − peaks appear at other chiral angles ͑0°Ͻ Ͻ 30°͒. It has been known that the k-dependent electron-phonon ͑el-ph͒ interaction gives rise to the chirality dependence of both the G-band ͑Refs. 9 and 12͒ and radial breathing mode ͑RBM͒ ͑Ref. 12͒ Raman intensities. Thus the G-band spectral analysis is still not well understood, even though the G band has been studied for many years. In this Rapid Communication, resonance Raman spectra of SWNTs as a function of E F are calculated in order to understand and interpret the chirality and E F -dependent G-band spectra. We show here that the k-dependent el-ph interaction affects both the I G + / I G − relative Raman intensity and their spectral widths.The self-energy corrections to the G-band phonon frequencies due to the KA affect not only the LO mode but also the TO mode, and both the LO and TO phonon frequencies depend on the chiral angle . The G-band Raman intensity I is calculated as a f...