To judge the potential benefit of a new x-ray detector technology and to be able to compare different technologies, some standard performance measurements must be defined. In addition to technology-related parameters which may influence weight, shape, image distortions and readout speed, there are fundamental performance parameters which directly influence the achievable image quality and dose efficiency of x-ray detectors. A standardization activity for detective quantum efficiency (DQE) for static detectors is already in progress. In this paper we present a methodology for noise power spectrum (NPS), low frequency drop (LFD) and signal to electronic noise ratio (SENR), and the influence of these parameters on DQE. The individual measurement methods are described in detail with their theoretical background and experimental procedure. Corresponding technical phantoms have been developed. The design of the measurement methods and technical phantoms is tuned so that only minimum requirements are placed on the detector properties. The measurement methods can therefore be applied to both static and dynamic x-ray systems. Measurement results from flat panel imagers and II/TV systems are presented.