Social media has become a constant presence in the daily lives of young people. As a result, many educational procedures and processes have been influenced by the widespread use of social networks. The number of people using social media has continuously increased. Students' perceptions on how social media affects their learning is a prominent subject of research. Students' school achievement has been significantly impacted by their interaction with professors, peers, and online knowledge-sharing behaviors. Several aspects are involved in this review, which aims to shed light on how students use social media in higher education. Findings reveal that the usage of online social media for cooperative learning encourages students to be innovative, dynamic, and research oriented. In other words, it is a matter of academic competence. This study gathered and analyzed social media data in higher education for computing disciplines. Digital libraries from EBSCO, IEEE, and ACM were utilized for data gathering. All of the above traits were found to be positively influenced by social networks, which suggest that their usage in higher education should be broadened. Teachers and educational institutions have not taken full use of internet social networks.