ABSTRAK Jumlah insidensi meninggal akibat covid-19 terus meningkat di dunia dan negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Terhitung bulan Januari-Februari 2021 terdapat 82 kasus terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19 di Kelurahan Cibogor wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bogor Tengah. Sebanyak 16 kasus dari 82 kasus terdapat di wilayah RW 01 Ciwaringin Tanah Sewa Kelurahan Cibogor. Maka penerapan protokol kesehatan menjadi prioritas utama dalam menurunkan maupun menekan penyebaran covid-19. Tujuan serangkaian kegiatan pengabdian ini, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran, pengetahuan, kemampuan, pemahaman dan penerapan protokol kesehatan dalam kehidupan pada masa pandemi dan dapat mencegah penyebaran covid-19 di RW 01 Ciwaringin Tanah Sewa. Adapun serangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan protokol kesehatan secara door to door, lomba CTPS dan lomba menghias masker, dimana kegiatan ini menggunakan media poster dan peralatan lomba. Setelah dilakukan serangkian kegiatan terdapat peningkatan kesadaran, pengetahuan, kemampuan dan pemahaman masyarakat tentang menjalankan hidup di masa pandemi dengan protokol kesehatan. Kata Kunci : Protokol kesehatan, penyuluhan, CTPS, masker ABSTRACTThe number of deaths due to covid-19 continues to increase in the world and developing countries such as Indonesia. As of January-February 2021, there were 82 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Cibogor Village, the working area of the Central Bogor Community Health Center. As many as 16 of the 82 cases were in the RW 01 Ciwaringin Tanah Sewa area, Cibogor Village. So the implementation of health protocols is a top priority in reducing and suppressing the spread of covid-19. The purpose of this series of service activities is expected to increase awareness, knowledge, ability, understanding, and application of health protocols in life during the pandemic and can prevent the spread of covid-19 in RW 01 Ciwaringin Tanah Sewa. There were a series of activities carried out in the form of house-to-house health protocol counseling, hand washing competitions with soap and masks decorating competitions, where these activities used posters and competition equipment. After a series of activities were carried out, there was an increase in the awareness, knowledge, abilities, and understanding of the community about living in a pandemic period with health protocols.Keywords: Health protocol, counseling, washing hands with soap, masks