The paper discusses the technological capabilities of virtual reality (VR) in the field of education as a highly developed form of computer modeling. VR is con-sidered to be able to revolutionize the education field since it provides better en-gagement in learning activities than other teaching methods. In order to study the impact of VR technology on ensuring the quality of e-learning, an experiment is conducted during the Physical Geography online course. The current research in-volves 60 third-year students from the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical Uni-versity, Moscow Pedagogical State University, and Ajman University. All the re-spondents were divided into two groups. The training of the first group is under-gone through distance learning in the Moodle e-learning system, while the educa-tional process of the second is supplemented with the technological capabilities of the latest VR services (Google Earth, Apple Maps, My Way VR, The VR Muse-um of Fine Art). During the study, students’ subjective assessment of the training is performed according to the basic, expected, and desirable criteria. The exami-nation is carried out in two stages - before and after the course. At the first stage of the assessment, the use of VR corresponds to the desired quality of the educa-tional product. However, after the course and the acquiring of virtual experience, the transfer of the students' desired training criteria into the expected can be ob-served. This indicates a high degree of adaptability of VR technology in educa-tion as well as an increase in the respondents' requirements against the quality of subsequent training courses. Consequently, a significant impact of immersive technology's evolution on the demands on the e-learning quality can be noted.