Anaemia is a clinical condition characterized by decrease in the total amount of Haemoglobin or the number of Red Blood Cells. Approximately 25% of people worldwide have Anaemia. The most common cause is Iron deficiency, responsible for 50% of all Anaemia. Current treatment methodology for treating Anaemia has several limitations including Gastro-intestinal disturbances, delayed absorption etc. Hence it is a right time to explore alternate therapy for Clinical Management of Anaemia. In the recent years, researches on Siddha System of Medicine have attracted a lot of attention globally. Evidences have been accumulated to demonstrate the promising potential of Medicinal Herbs used in Siddha formulations has various traditional, Complementary and Alternative therapy of treatment for Human diseases. Haematinic property of most of the Siddha preparations has not explored much in recent times. The main aim of the present Investigation is to evaluate the possible Haematinic property of the Siddha Formulation Sarakondrai Chooranam using Phenylhydrazine induced Anaemia in rats. The results of the present investigation shown that Mean Haemoglobin, RBC, WBC and HCT level of rats belongs to Phenylhydrazine treated rats were decreased significantly when compare to that of the Saline control group, which signifies the induction of Anaemia in Experimental animals. There was significant increase in Hb, RBC, WBC and HCT content were observed in animals treated with 200 and 400mg/kg of SKC respectively. This observation reflects the promising Haematinic property of the trial drug SKC in treated rats. In conclusion of the observed data's it was clear that the formulation SKC at both the dose level possess significant Haematinic activity and may be used The results of the present investigation shown that Mean Haemoglobin, RBC, WBC and HCT level of rats belongs to Phenylhydrazine treated rats were decreased significantly when compare to that of the Saline control group, which signifies the induction of Anaemia in Experimental animals. There was significant increase in Hb, RBC, WBC and HCT content were observed in animals treated with 200 and 400mg/kg of SKC respectively. This observation reflects the promising Haematinic property of the trial drug SKC in treated rats. In conclusion of the observed data's it was clear that the formulation SKC at both the dose level possess significant Haematinic activity and may be used for Clinical Management of Anaemia.