The purpose of this study is to investigate the analysis blended learning interesting and satisfaction on students majoring in dental techniques.Method: The study subject were 181 students from Gimcheon university. Data for this survey was obtain by selfadministration method. This questionnaire consist of lecture°Øs interesting and satisfaction when using an blended learning in the lecture. SPSS 22.0 was used. Analysis of frequency was used and two sammple t-test was used to identify significantly different blended interesting and sataisfaction within the grade. Multiple regression was used to which interestings affect the satisfaction.Results: First, there were significant differences in the grade among the blended interesting and sataisfaction, while on differences in participation satisfaction(p<0.05). Second, The correlation coefficient is 0.714 between blended interesting and staisfaction, Third, Multiple regression showed that the lecture°Øs interesting applying blended learning affects the satisfaction(p<0.05).
Conclusion:Given the findings of the study, lecture applying blended learning seem to be efficient education programs to improve lecture's interesting & satisfaction.