The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the level of glutathione reductase [GR] in relation with the severity of nuclear cataract and the increase of age. An analytic cross sectional observasional study of nuclear cataract patient seen at Saiful Anwar Hospital and Mass Cataract Surgery performed by Perdami Malang was carried out. Patients were classified into 3 groups based on age and 4 groups based on severity of nuclear cataract. The samples were taken by consecutive sampling and were operated on visual indication. The extracted lens were examined for [GR]. The laboratory findings of [GR] were compared with the severity of senile cataract. The data were analyzed with one way ANOVA. Confidence limit was set at 95%. A total of 55 patients were included with the sample size in 40-50 age group less than estimation. The [GR] were found to be significanfly lower in the older age (p=0,01) and the more severe cataract groups (p=0,00). The [GR] were also found to be significantly decreased with the increase of cataract severity in 40-50 age group (p=0,00), 50-60 age group (p=0,01) and >60 age group (p=0,00). In the grade 2 cataract, there were no significant difference of [GR] between age group (p=0.22). This also occured in grade 3 (p=0.23) while in the grade 4, there were significant difference between age group (p=0.01). This also occured in grade 5 (p=0.06). Pearson correlation test showed that there was a strong correlation between [GR] and increase of age (r=0.979) and cataract severity (r=0.969). But in the same cataract grade, the increase of age was not always associated with low [GR] r=0.413,for grade 2, r=0.876 for grade 4 and r=0.731 for grade 5). The conclusion is the increase of age and severity of nuclear cataract In senile cataract, are associated with low [GR]. This association was also found, with the increase of cataract severity in the same age group. However, in the same cataract grade the increase of age is not always associated with a low [GR] Key words: senile cataract -glutathione reductase -nuclear cataract grade -age
PENDAHULUANKatarak senilis (Age-related Cataract) merupakan salah satu problem utama kesehatan masyarakat di dunia (1,2). Di negara sedang berkembang, dimana fasilitas kesehatan masih terbatas, terutama fasilitas operasi, buta katarak mencapai hampir setengah dari semua kebutaan (1,(3)(4). Angka kebutaan didunia 0,1-0,4% pada negara maju, sedang di negara sedang berkembang tercatat 0,5-1,5% dengan sebab utama katarak (5,6). Di Indonesia menurut Survei Kesehatan Indra Penglihatan dan Pendengaran Tahun 1993-1996 angka kebutaan 1,5% dengan penyebab utama katarak (0,78%) (7,8).Faktor resiko terjadinya katarak senilis sangat beragam. Faktor personal seperti usia, jenis kelamin, etnis dan keturunan sangat penting. Saat ini penelitian dilakukan pada interaksi antara genetik dan lingkungan yang mempengaruhi genetik tersebut.Faktor lingkungan sangat penting dalam kataraktogenesis. Faktor-faktor tersebut sering terjadi pada masyarakat misal merokok d...