Brassica campestris is the leading oilseed crop of Pakistan. It fulfills 20% oil requirement of Pakistan. This crop is affected by various biotic and abiotic factors. Among all other yield limiting biotic constraints, Alternaria blight, caused by Alternaria brassicae playes imperative role. In the current research fifteen advanced lines/genotypes (Punjab Canola, Faisal Canola, Shirale, Dunkeld, Rainbow, AC-Excel, Legend, Oscar, Cyclone, Con II, Con III, Bulbul 98, DGL, B.S.A, Toria selection) were sown at Department of Plant Pathology with three replications under Completely Randomized Block Design (RCBD) by maintaining the plant to plant (P×P) distance of 45 cm and bed to bed (B×B) distance of 75 cm. Two genotypes i.e. Punjab canola (48.83%), Faisal canola (50.06%) exhibited moderately resistant response. Similarly, eight commercially available fungicides namely Rally 40% WP (Myclobutanil 40%), Chlorotoxin (Azoxystrobin 5.4%+Chlorothalonil 45%), Alliette 80% WP (Fosetyli-Aluminium 80%), Success 70% WP (Metalaxyl 8% + Chlorothalonil 64%), Swing 72% (Metalaxyl 8% +Mancozeb 64%), Cytrol 75% (Thiophanate-methyl 35% + Chlorothalonil 40%), Antracol (Propineb 70%) and Score 250 EC (Difenconazole 250EC) were used with two concentrations viz. 0.25% and 0.50% of each fungicide under filed conditions with three replication and Randomized Complete Block Design. It was observed that both concentrations (0.25% and 0.50%) of swing played statistically significant role to inhibit the disease incidence. Therefore, it is concluded that Punjab Canola and Faisal Canola are statistically reliable advanced lines as compared to all other thirteen advanced lines/ genotypes. Likewise, the concentrations 0.25% and 0.50% of swing have statistically more potential to retard the disease incidence as compared to all other commercially available fungicides.