This research studied about an effect of epoxy molding compound material and roughness leadframe of integrated circuit package for automotive device. In manufacturing process, the epoxy molding compound material and leadframe roughness are main factors that effect to coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and reliability for automotive device package with no delamination in high temperature application. In experiment, two types of epoxy molding compound materials were studied and compared between standard and roughened leadframe for quad flat non lead (QFN) package. For reliability test, the epoxy molding compound materials type A and type B with different leadframe were analyzed with moisture sensitivity level 1 to observe delamination inside packages. The results showed that CTE of epoxy molding compound material type A is less CTE mismatch than that of epoxy molding compound material type B with both standard and roughness leadframe. Moreover, the results also found no delamination for epoxy molding compound material type A with roughened leadframe. In addition, both epoxy molding compound materials showed significant delamination inside packages with standard leadframe.