High-resolution resonance-photoemission spectroscopy has been performed on the Ce 1Àx La x RhAs (0pxp0.05) single crystal to elucidate a collapse of the energy gap in the Kondo semiconductor CeRhAs by La substitution. With increasing x, the spectral intensity of the Ce4f 1 derived states near the Fermi level decreases and new 4f derived spectral feature appears at a higher binding energy. The Rh4d-derived states, on the other hand, are not significantly changed by the substitution. New 4f-derived states have incoherent nature, which is responsible for the collapse of the semiconducting state for x4$0.02. rThe orthorhombic CeRhAs, known as a Kondo semiconductor, has attracted much interest for its unusual energy-gap formation associated with the successive firstorder-structural-phase transitions [1]. Recently La-substituted Ce 1Àx La x RhAs single crystals have been synthesized [2]. It has been found that a semiconducting behavior almost disappears with a La concentration as low as x$0.02 [2]. In order to elucidate how the energy gap in CeRhAs collapses by the La substitution, we have conducted a high-resolution resonance-photoemission spectroscopy (PES) study of Ce 1Àx La x RhAs (0pxp0.05).Single crystals of Ce 1Àx La x RhAs (x ¼ 0, 0.003, 0.02, 0.05) were grown by the Bridgman method [1,2]. The 3d-4f resonance PES experiments (hn ¼ 870-881 eV) were done at the beamline BL23SU of SPring-8 [3], and the 4d-4f resonance PES experiments (hn ¼ 122 eV) at the beamline BL-1 of HiSOR [4]. The sample temperature was kept at 10-20 K, and the overall energy resolution was set at DE ¼ 20 meV (hn ¼ 122 eV) and 100 meV (hn ¼ 870-881 eV). Clean sample surfaces were obtained by fracturing the sample in the ultrahigh vacuum. Fig. 1 shows on-resonance PES spectra of Ce 1Àx La x RhAs at hn ¼ 881 and 122 eV. Due to large resonance enhancement, one can regard these spectra as the Ce4f partial spectra. We have normalized these spectra to the area for the binding energy (E B ) range of E B $0-9 eV. A peak structure near E F for x ¼ 0 sample at hn ¼ 881 eV corresponds to the Ce4f 1 final state, which exhibits a hybridization gap of $100 meV. Our previous measurements indicate that the energy gap is originated from As4p, Rh4d and Ce4f hybridization [4,5], in agreement with the band-structure calculation [6]. A broad spectral feature at $2.5 eV is derived from the Ce4f 0 final state and partly from the Rh4d states. As the Ce is replaced by La from x ¼ 0 to 0.003, the intensity of the peak near E F is reduced. From x ¼ 0.003 to x ¼ 0.02, a drastic change has been observed; the peak intensity is shifted to the higher binding ARTICLE IN PRESS www.elsevier.com/locate/physb 0921-4526/$ -see front matter r