Silicon carbide (SiC) power devices outperform Silicon-based devices in operational voltage levels, power densities, operational temperatures and switching frequencies. However, the gate oxide of SiC-based device is more fragile compared with its Si counterpart. The vulnerability of the gate oxide in SiC power devices requires the development of a gate driver that is able to have more control during the turn-on and turn-off process. This paper proposes an innovative currentsource gate driver where the gate current can be fully programmed. The novelty of the gate driver is that the dynamic switching transients and the static on/off-state can be controlled independently. In order to achieve this approach, a signal decomposition and reconstruction technique is proposed to apply the separate control over the dynamic switching transient and the static on/off-state gate voltage respectively. The fundamental principle of the proposed circuit is verified in simulation. In addition, a prototype of the active gate driver has been built and tested to validate the effectiveness of the flexible control over the gate voltage.