The recent discovery of methods to isolate graphene 1-3 , a one-atom-thick layer of crystalline carbon, has raised the possibility of a new class of nano-electronics devices based on the extraordinary electrical transport and unusual physical properties 4,5 of this material. However, the experimental realization of devices displaying these properties was, until now, hampered by the influence of the ambient environment, primarily the substrate. Here we report on the fabrication of Suspended Graphene (SG) devices and on studies of their electrical transport properties. In these devices, environmental disturbances were minimized allowing unprecedented access to the intrinsic properties of graphene close to the Dirac Point (DP) where the energy dispersion of the carriers and their density-of-states vanish linearly giving rise to a range of exotic physical properties. We show that charge inhomogeneity is reduced by almost one order of magnitude compared to that in Non-Suspended Graphene (NSG) devices. Moreover, near the DP, the mobility exceeds 100,000 cm 2 /Vs, approaching theoretical predictions for evanescent transport in the ballistic model. The low energy excitation spectrum of graphene mimics relativistic particles -massless Dirac fermions (DF) -with an electron-hole symmetric conical energy dispersion and .vanishing density of states at the DP. Such unusual spectrum is expected to produce 1 novel electronic properties such as negative index of refraction 6 , specular Andreev reflections at graphene-superconductor junctions 7,8 , evanescent transport 9 , anomalous phonon softening 10 , etc. A basic assumption behind these intriguing predictions is that the graphene layer is minimally affected by interactions with the environment. However in reality the environment 11,12 and in particular the substrate 13 , can be quite invasive for such ultra-thin films. For example, the carrier mobility in graphene deposited on a substrate such as Si/SiO 2 deteriorates due to trapped charges in the oxide or to contaminants that get trapped at the graphene-substrate interface during fabrication. The substrate-induced charge inhomogeneity is particularly deleterious near the DP where screening is weak, 14,15 leading to reduced carrier mobility there. In addition, the atomic roughness of the substrate introduces short range scattering centers and may contribute to quench-condensation of ripples within the graphene layer 16 .In order to eliminate substrate induced perturbations, graphene films were suspended from Au/Ti contacts to bridge over a trench in a SiO 2 substrate. In contrast to prior realizations of suspended graphene 17,18 which did not provide electrical contacts for transport measurements, the SG devices described here incorporate multiple electrodes that allow 4-lead transport measurements. The SG devices employed here were fabricated from conventional NSG devices using wet chemical etching (see supporting online material). In a typical SG device, shown in Figure 1b, the graphene layer is suspended from the voltage l...