Our objective was to determine the frequency of TNF-alpha -238, -308 G/A promoter and TLR-4 299 D/G and 399 T/I polymorphisms in healthy population and in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis, and to examine its influences on serum TNF-alpha, TNF receptor-1, Fas, Fas-ligand, IgE levels and on clinical symptoms. A pilot study was performed in 66 patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis to ragweed pollen and 161 non-allergic subjects using PCR-RFLP technique and ELISA. Carriers of the -238A and -308G alleles have significantly higher TNF-alpha and IgE levels, clinical score values and lower peak nasal flow (PNIF) values during and after ragweed pollen season. Patients with the 299G/399I alleles of the TLR-4 gene have significantly lower TNF-alpha, Fas, FasL and IgE levels, clinical scores and higher PNIF values during and after pollen season. The -238A and -308G polymorphisms of the TNF-alpha promoter and 299D/399T polymorphisms of the TLR-4 gene are associated with more pronounced clinical symptoms, higher cytokine and IgE levels, and low PNIF values. These polymorphisms are very likely to contribute to the heterogeneity of clinical and laboratory parameters of patients.