High-energy-density physics concerns the behavior of systems at high pressure, often involving the interplay of plasma, relativistic, quantum mechanical and electromagnetic effects. The field is growing rapidly in its scope of activity thanks to advances in experimental, laser and computational technologies. This 'focus on' collection presents papers discussing forefront research that spans the field, providing a sense of its breadth and of the interlinking of its parts.Keywords: High-energy-density physics, warm dense matter, high-pressure matter High-energy-density (HED) physics concerns the behavior of systems roughly characterized as having a pressure above one million atmospheres (equal to 0.1 TPa or 10 12 dynes cm −2 ). More precisely, one might say that it is the laboratory study of matter having a pressure above 0.1 Mbar (10 GPa) and containing free electrons not present in the solid state, and the use of experimental systems that produce such conditions. In principle, this encompasses an indefinite range of conditions, but the realm accessed by current and near-term experiments remains vast, including temperatures from zero (at high enough density) to perhaps 10 12 K, and densities from less than − 10 5 (at high temperature) to 10 4 times the density of water. Quark-gluon plasmas are