entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com os professores em formação da referida turma. O processo de análise indicou que há um eixo central nas representações indiciadas: a impossibilidade de falar do surdo sem falar do ouvinte. Percebeu-se que a constituição deste professor em formação se dá na tensão entre as representações de surdo possíveis de serem percebidas em discursividades do imaginário social, nas representações dos participantes da pesquisa já afetadas pela experiência e na consequente interdiscursividade do LPDL, em especial, dos Estudos Surdos.Palavras-chave: professor em formação, surdo, sujeito, discurso ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to raise questions and analyze the effects a teaching education program has on the majoring teacher's discourse memory and the consequences these effects have upon his/her positioning as a teacher. Therefore, three resulting axes of analysis derived from the main central pole: inability to speak about the other without speaking about himself or herself are investigated. The three analysis axes are: the representations of deaf people, the representations of sign language and/or Libras -Brazilian Sign Language -and also the representations of being a teacher. All of them occurred in the last term Portuguese undergraduate students' speech who were to major in Libras, the first group of students of the Portuguese Language Course with major in Libras of the Federal University of Uberlândia -UFU. It was hypothesized that due to discourse transfer the teacher allots idealized role in speech to hearing people. The research guiding principles are the French Discourse Analyses and some other concepts from Psychoanalysis, mainly the ones that refer to the notion of language and subject. Such approach focuses on discourse heterogeneity that forms the constituted social-historically subject's speech. In terms of methodology, semi-structured interviews were carried out to LPDL majoring students, future teachers, from the above mentioned class. The analysis process showed that there is a core axis in the representations: lack of ability of speaking about deaf people without speaking about the hearing ones.Moreover, it was observed that the foundation of the teacher education occurs in the tension between deaf people's representations which can be noticed in social imagery, in the research subjects' representations which had already been affected by previous experience and in the consequential LPDL interdiscourse, particularly in the Deaf Studies.