BACKGROUND: The frequency of diseases of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is quite high, which requires the development of special arthrological care in various regions of Russia with the involvement of specialists in various fields.
AIM: Study the occurrence of diseases of the musculoskeletal complex among patients of dental admission who applied for oral cavity sanitation without acute pain, and to determine the significance of various etiological factors.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: It was examined by interviewing and dental examination of 100 patients of therapeutic reception aged from 20 to 60 years old. Based on dental complaints, three conditional groups were formed from the number of examined patients. The 1st group included 47 patients who had no complaints of discomfort and pain in the temporomandibular joint dysfunction area. The second group included 24 patients who complained of clicks in the temporomandibular joint dysfunction, sometimes difficulties and restrictions when opening the mouth. The third group consisted of 29 people who complained of pain in the TMJ, tinnitus, a sense of tension and pain in the muscles of the maxillofacial region.
RESULTS: The study showed that the number of people with signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction diseases among dental patients is 53.0%. Moreover, the number of people with temporomandibular joint dysfunction pathology was statistically the same among the examined people of different ages. In individuals with signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction diseases (2nd and 3d groups) and without them (first group), there were no differences in the number of individuals with occlusion disorders (abnormal bite, disocclusion, supercontacts, loss of occlusal contacts or restored by restoration with filling materials), however, in groups with signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction diseases, a statistically significantly higher number of patients with musculoskeletal disorders was found, while every second of the examined patients experienced emotional tension and stress.
CONCLUSION: Due to the fact that patients with intra-articular disorders and pain syndrome of TMJ dysfunction are significantly more often identified diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the treatment of this category of patients requires consultation, and, if its necessary, treatment by an osteopath.