High fidelity entanglement of an on-chip array of spin qubits poses many challenges. Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) can ease some of these challenges by enabling long-ranged entanglement via electric dipole-dipole interactions, microwave photons, or phonons. However, SOC exposes conventional spin qubits to decoherence from electrical noise. Here, we propose an acceptor-based spin-orbit qubit in silicon offering long-range entanglement at a sweet spot where the qubit is protected from electrical noise. The qubit relies on quadrupolar SOC with the interface and gate potentials. As required for surface codes, 10^{5} electrically mediated single-qubit and 10^{4} dipole-dipole mediated two-qubit gates are possible in the predicted spin lifetime. Moreover, circuit quantum electrodynamics with single spins is feasible, including dispersive readout, cavity-mediated entanglement, and spin-photon entanglement. An industrially relevant silicon-based platform is employed.