+ European 511kv,, Structures 'ES2,, Zone industrielle, 13016 Rousset adex, France.The effect ofprocess conditions on the pemformnance of the chemically amplified radiation resists AZ PF514 (positive tone) and.AZ PNJJ4 (negative tone) has been examinedfor both X-ray and E-beam application. For the positive tone resist, it is found that mandatory atmospheric holding times for the catalytic reaction can be made redundant be the introduction of a post exposure bake at moderate temperature, yielding high exposure latitude, good linearity amid a reduction of timedependent effects. In particular, metal-ion free developers yield highly vertical resist sidewalls evenfor high overdoses. The sensitivity drfi with increasing residence time in a vacuum (e.g. during E-beam exposure) may be counteracted by a simple DUV flood exposure which moreover may serve to control line shape and wall angle. Enhanced thy-etch stability and linearity may be obtained by means of an optimized DUV hardening process. The negative tone resist AZ PNI14 is shown to be little sensitive to vacuum effects; thermal stability amid dl)' etching properties are found to be superior. Results are presented for X-ray and shaped E-beam exposures.