Summary: A three-dimensional brain phantom has been developed to simulate the activity distributions found in human brain studies currently employed in positron emis sion tomography (PET). The phantom has a single con tiguous chamber and utilizes thin layers of lucite to pro vide apparent relative concentrations of 5, 1, and 0 for gray matter, white matter, and CSF structures, respec tively. The phantom and an ideal image set were created from the same set of data. Thus, the user has a basis for comparing measured images with an ideal set that allows a quantitative evaluation of errors in PET studies with an activity distribution similar to that found in patients. ThePositron emission tomography (PET) has often been cited as a technique capable of making quan titative "in vivo" measurements of metabolic or physiologic quantities in humans (Greitz et aI., 1984; Phelps et aI., 1986). The measurements usu ally require the following: (a) a detailed understand ing of the biological process under study; (b) a mathematical model of the process; (c) a series of blood samples for the time course of activity in the blood, and possibly some chemical analysis; (d) a reasonably cooperative patient, who will remain still for 20-200 min, depending upon the study; and (e) a PET system that is sufficiently characterized to make a quantitative measurement. All are re quired for a quantitative measurement. The topic of
Al7phantom was employed in a study of the effect of dead time and scatter on accuracy in quantitation on a current PET system. Deadtime correction factors were found to be significant (1.1-2.5) at count rates found in clinical studies. Deadtime correction techniques were found to be accurate to within 5%. Scatter in emission and attenua tion correction data consistently caused 5-15% errors in quantitation, whereas correction for scatter in both types of data reduced errors in accuracy to <5%. Key Words: Positron emission tomography-Brain phantom Error -Dead time-Scatter . this work is the accuracy of the PET system itself, without the complications of the first four points in this list.