INTRODUCTIONIt is well known that the values of noise coefficients P, R, and C are very crucial in the determination of the noise figures of low noise amplifiers (LNA)/mixers and the phase noises of voltage control oscillators (VCO). However, usually very little information of these noise coefficients is provided to circuit designers because it either involves special experimental set-up [1] or complicated noise parameter transformation [2] to obtain the noise coefficients. On the other hand, two port noise parameters measured by automated noise measurement system such as the popular ATN NP5 noise parameter analyzers are usually available to circuit designers. Hence, there is a need to have a handy method that can extract noise coefficients P, R, and C directly from the standard measured noise parameters F min , R N and ⌫ opt (or R opt and X opt ).In this paper, we present a simple method for the determination of noise coefficients by the measured noise parameters. The relation between equivalent noise R N and equivalent noise conductance g n was derived to simplify the extraction procedure. The noise parameters of 0.15 m InGaAs PHEMTs with three different device sizes at two different biases were measured on wafer using an automated NP5 measurement system from ATN Microwave Inc. Excellent agreement has been found between the measured noise parameters and calculated noise parameters using extracted noise coefficients P, R, and C. A discussion of the dependence of P, R, and C on the device size and bias condition is also included.
THEORYThe general noise equivalent circuit of an FET is shown in Figure 1. According to Pucel's FET noise model [3], the dimensionless noise coefficients P, R, and C are defined bywhere i d is the drain current noise and i g is the induced gate noise. By a straightforward circuit analysis, the noise figure F of the FET can be put in the formwhere the four noise parameters F min , g n , R opt , and X opt are given by and K g , K c and K r are defined byFukui [4] has written the noise figure F of an FET in the following formComparing Eqs. (4) and (12) in [3,4], we further conclude that the following relation must holdNow we are ready to make use the measured noise parameters to calculate P, R, and C directly. Since R N , R opt , and X opt can be measured, g n and thus K g (see Eq. (6) once K g and K c are known. From Eqs. (9)- (11), P, R, and C can be obtained.
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSThe noise parameters of 0.15 m InGaAs PHEMT's with three different sizes (gate width ϭ 100 m, 150 m, and 200 m) at two different bias conditions (peak g m and 30% I dss ϭ 100 mA/mm) were measured on-wafer by an automated measurement system NP5 from ATN microwave Incorporation. Drain voltage was fixed at 3V and the frequency range covers from 4 GHz to 24 GHz. The extracted K g , K r , and K c of the devices with different sizes biased at their 30% I dss are plotted as functions of frequency in Figure 2. Similar characteristics are also found when the devices are biased at higher current (peak g m...