Latar belakang: Tuberkulosis ialah jenis penyakit menular yang bisa merusak paru-paru, baik paru-paru bagian dalam ataupun luar. Tuberkulosis disebabkan karena adanya bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis dalam organ paru. Bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis mudah menyebar melalui udara oleh penderita Tuberkulosis. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis hubungan perilaku masyarakat dengan kejadian Tuberkulosis di Kecamatan Panekan Kabupaten MagetanMetode: Metode pada riset ini menggunakan metode analitik observasional, desain studi case control dengan uji chi-square. Jumlah responden sebanyak 100 orang, diantaranya responden kasus sebanyak 50 responden pada penderita Tuberkulosis BTA positif, dan ressponden kontrol sebanyak 50 responden penderita Tuberkulosis BTA negatif. Variabel dikaji dengan melakukan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, variabel tersebut meliputi : kontak satu rumah dengan penderita Tuberkulosis, perilaku membuka jendela di pagi hari, penggunaan bahan bakar saat memasak, dan perilaku merokok.Hasil: Hasil penelitian analisis bivariat pada variabel kontak satu rumah dengan penderita Tuberkulosis (nilai p = 0,027. OR = 2,471, variabel kebiasaan membuka jendela (nilai p = 0,028. OR = 2,447), variabel penggunaan bahan bakar saat memasak (nilai p = 0,041. OR = 2,333), dan variabel perilaku merokok (nilai p = 0,045. OR=2,253).Simpulan: Simpulan dari penelitian ini terdapat hubungan antara kontak satu rumah dengan penderita Tuberkulosis BTA positif, kebiasaan membuka jendela di pagi hari, perilaku penggunaan bahan bakar kayu saat memasak, perilaku merokok dengan kejadian Tuberkulosis di Kecamatan Panekan Kabupaten Magetan Tahun 2023. ABSTRACTTitle: The Relationship Of The Community Behavior In The Incident Of Tuberculosis In Panekan District Magetan DistrictBackground: Tuberculosis is a type of infectious disease that can damage the lungs, both inner and outer lungs. Tuberculosis is caused by the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria in the lungs. Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria are easily spread through the air by tuberculosis sufferers. This research was conducted to analyze the relationship between community behavior and the incidence of Tuberculosis in Panekan District, Magetan RegencyMethod: The method used in this research is an observational analytical method, case control study design with chi-square test. The number of respondents was 100 people, including 50 case respondents who were BTA-positive tuberculosis sufferers, and 50 control respondents who were BTA-negative tuberculosis sufferers. Variables were studied by conducting interviews using a questionnaire, these variables included: household contact with Tuberculosis sufferers, behavior of opening windows in the morning, use of fuel when cooking, and smoking behavior.Results: Results of bivariate analysis research on the variable of household contact with Tuberculosis sufferers (p value = 0.027. OR = 2.471, variable of habit of opening windows (p value = 0.028. OR = 2.447), variable of fuel use when cooking (p value = 0.041 . OR = 2.333), and smoking behavior variable (p value = 0.045. OR=2.253).Conclusion: Conclusion of this research is a relationship between household contact with positive smear tuberculosis sufferers, the habit of opening windows in the morning, the behavior of using fuel when cooking, smoking behavior and the incidence of tuberculosis in Panekan District, Magetan Regency in 2023.