Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) approach requires immense amount of datacollection, aggregation and processing, using various hardware and softwaresolutions, and is applied in many farms trying to achieve the most efficient andeffective way of production. Hardware and software compatible systems capable ofachieving this goal are called Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS), andare a necessity for a complete and successful implementation for PrecisionAgriculture (PA) branch approaches. However, most of commercially availableFMIS do not only focus on crop management, but also have limited availability tosmall and average sized farms, in terms of price, supported language and specificfeatures. Simpler FMIS, on the other hand, do not have necessary capabilities tofully support PLF. There are currently very small amount of high grade pig farmoriented FMIS, especially for farms with less than a hundred of sows. Therefore,there exists the need for solutions for managing farms with limited number ofsows. To help address this need, authors proposed and developed architecture forunified data warehouse (DW), which was scalable and extendable cloud based datastorage and processing system with support of individual data analysis. DW hascapabilities to data interexchange and/or be integrated in existing FMIS throughoutvariety of data-in/data-out interfaces, like UIs, unmanned data supplier orconsumer systems. The core of the DW is designed to provide data processingflexibility and versatility, whereas data flow within the core is organized betweendata vaults in a controllable and reliable way.