In a feeding experiment $-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), glucose, albumin, total protein, globulin and urea concentrations in the plasma of twin-bearing ewes were analysed. Mature Suffolk cross ewes were given either formic acid (FA)-treated grass silage or grasslmolassed sugar-beet pulp (MSBP) silage in late pregnancy. The experiment commenced on day 91 of pregnancy and the dietary treatments were FA-treated silage (Tl), FA-treated silage + soya-bean meal (SBM) (T2), MSBP silage (T3), MSBP silage + SBM (T4), FA-treated silage + MSBP (T5), FA-treated silage + MSBP + SBM (T6) or FA-treated silage + 150 g crude protein (CP) per kg concentrate (T7). SBM was given only in the last 22 days of pregnancy aiming for a total CP intake of 220 g per ewe per day. Blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture from each ewe 3 h following consumption of the morning dietary allowance on days 121, 128, 135 and 142 of pregnancy. Daily metabolizable energy (ME) intakes of 6-8, 11-4, 9-6, 12-8, 10-5, 13-7 and 14-7 (s.e. 0-58) M] per ewe were recorded for Tl to T7 respectively over the last 3 weeks of pregnancy. Respective CP intakes of 72, 213, 110, 225, 109, g per ewe were recorded for Tl to T7 respectively over the last 3 weeks of pregnancy. BHB concentrations (mmol/l) on day 121 of pregnancy of 1-18, 1-25, 0-52, 0-52, 0-56, 0-39 and 0-45 (s.e. 0-17), on day 128 of pregnancy of 1-17, 0-94, 0-52, 0-51, 0-72, 0-62 and 0-39 (s.e. 0-20), on day 135 of pregnancy of 1-53, 0-68, 0-68, 0-66, 0-71, 0-62 and 0-46 (s.e. 0-20) and on day 142 of pregnancy of 1 -43, 0-60, 0-62, 0-56, 0-62, 0-56 and 0-63 (s.e. 0-20) were recorded for Tl to T7 respectively. There was a quadratic relationship between plasma BHB concentration and ME intake on days 121 (R 2 = 0-538, P < 0-001), 128 (R 2 = 0-324, P < 0-001), 135 (R 2 = 0-429, P < 0-001)) and 142 (R 2 = 0-344, P < 0-002) of pregnancy. There was a positive relationship between plasma glucose concentration and ME intake on day 222 (R 2 = 0-208, P < 0-002), 228 (R 2 = 0-203, P < 0-05), and 135 (R 2 = 0-160, P < 0-02) of pregnancy. Albumin concentrations (gll) on day 128 of pregnancy of 21-8, 21-7, 23-6, 22-9, 22-5, 22-9 and 24-3 (s.e. 0-75), on day 135 of 20-9, 23-6, 24-2, 24-1, 22-4, 24-1 and 23-8 (s.e. 0-75), and on day 142 of 16-9, 22-6, 20-7, 22-2, 20-4, 22-7 and 21-1 (s.e. 1-05) were recorded for Tl to T7 respectively. Plasma albumin concentrations were significantly affected by SBM supplementation (P < 0-05). Despite the lower than generally recommended energy concentrations in T2 to T7, the concentrations of plasma BHB were within the normal range for healthy sheep.