The third-person effect is the tendency for people to perceive the media as more influential on others than on themselves. The present study introduced a new methodological paradigm for measuring the TPE and examined whether the effect stems from an overestimation of the persuasibility of others, an underestimation of the persuasibility of the self, both, or neither.In three studies, we compared ratings of (a) current self attitudes (both baseline and postpersuasion), (b) current others' attitudes (both baseline and post-persuasion), (c), retrospective self attitudes, and (d) retrospective others' attitudes. We also measured traditional thirdperson perception ratings of perceived influence. Rather than overestimating others' attitude change, we found evidence that people underestimated the extent to which their own attitudes had, or would have changed.Underestimating media influence on the self 3 Right about others, wrong about ourselves? Actual and perceived self-other differences in resistance to persuasionThe third-person effect or TPE (Davison, 1983) is the tendency for people to believe that socially undesirable media messages influence others more than themselves. Much research documents the TPE in a variety of domains including politics and news (e.g., Duck, Hogg