The change in work function of barium-covered p-and n-type germanium emitters with the degree of coverage 0 is investigated by FEM. The curve of work function q against deposition time is similar to that for barium adsorption on metals. The work functions of clean field-desorbed surfaces of p-and n-type emitters are determined from the Fowler-Nordheim slopes with respect to that for barium-covered surfaces, assuming that the work function of the latter for 0 > 1 is qBa = 2.5 eV. The work functions are qp = (4.90 f0.05)eV and qn = (4.43 f 0.05) eV for ep = 3.7 Rcm and en = 2.5 Qcm, respectively. The difference in the observed work functions compares well with the difference of the Fermi level position. Metallic-like properties of barium on germanium are observed a t coverages 0 much less than a monolayer (0 = 0.007). Mccnenosamie U~M~H~H U B pa6o~bl mxona repMaHun p-M n-Tma n p~l noHpbr-T E~M ero 6 a p~e~, I I O K~~~J I O , YTO ~~B M C E~M O C T~ q(0) EiMeeT TaKo# me xapamep, ICaK npIl ancop6s~i1l 6apncr Ha MeTaJIJIe. El3 OTHOCHTeJlbHblX HaHJIOHOB KpElBblX @aynepa-Hopnrehfa HJIR qUCTbIX EI IIOHphITIJX 6 a p~i e~ (6 > 1) Ge 3MkITTePOB, OnpeJ&JleHa pa6o~a BbIXOna AJIR BMEITTBPOB, H3rOTOBaeHHbIX k13 p-Ei n-TkIna Ge MOHOHpHCTaJIJIOB; Tp = (4,90 & 0,05) eV Ei (Pn = (4,43 f 0,05) e v COOTBeTCTBeH-HO. P~~H O C T~ pa6OT BMxona xopoluo cornacyeTcx c p a a~~i s e t i B nonome-H E~M YPOBHB QepMEi B HCXOAHHX 06passax ep = 3,7 ncm EI en = 2,5 Qcm. 06HapyHteH0, 9TO MeTaJIJIOIIOn06HbIe CBO#CTBa IIOKpblTHa IIpORBJIBIOTCR yHte npEi e = 0,007.