Flooding is a major issue in many countries, affecting many communities and livelihoods (Olsson et al., 2014), and, despite major investments in flood protection schemes, it remains a major issue in Europe (Kundzewicz et al., 2014). Many parts of Europe have been affected by floods in recent decades, causing loss of life and damages on the order of multiple billions of euros (Kundzewicz, 2012; Kundzewicz, Pińskwar, & Brakenridge, 2013). In Spain, the economic impacts of floods have increased in recent decades, a trend that some have associated with a changing climate (e.g. Barredo, Saurí, & Llasat, 2012). With the magnitude of floods projected to increase under climate change for the Iberian Peninsula (Alfieri, Dottori, Betts, Salamon, & Feyen, 2018; Roudier et al., 2016), further damage and economic disruption caused by flooding is expected. A national flood risk assessment (http://www. conso rsegu rosdi gital.com/en/numer o-03/front-page/flood-risk-manag ement-plans), which was conducted as a