A new immunologically based flow cytometry (IFCM) technique was developed to enumerate Aureococcus anophagefferens, a small pelagophyte alga that is the cause of "brown tides" in bays and estuaries of the mid-Atlantic states along the U.S. coast. The method utilizes a monoclonal antibody conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC-MAb) to label the surface of A. anophagefferens cells which are then detected and enumerated by using a flow cytometer. Optimal conditions for FITC-MAb staining, including solution composition, incubation times, and FITC-MAb concentrations, were determined. The FITC-MAb method was tested for cross-reactivity with nontarget, similarly sized, photoautotrophic protists, and the method was compared to an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the same MAb. Comparisons of the IFCM technique to traditional microscopy enumeration of cultures and spiked environmental samples showed consistent agreement over several orders of magnitude (r 2 > 0.99). Comparisons of the IFCM and ELISA techniques for enumerating cells from a predation experiment showed a substantial overestimation (up to 10 times higher) of the ELISA in the presence of consumers of A. anophagefferens, presumably due to egested cell fragments that retained antigenicity, using the ELISA method, but were not characterized as whole algal cells by the IFCM method. Application of the IFCM method to environmental "brown-tide" samples taken from the coastal bays of Maryland demonstrated its efficacy in resolving A. anophagefferens abundance levels throughout the course of a bloom and over a large range of abundance values. IFCM counts of the brown-tide alga from natural samples were consistently lower than those obtained using the ELISA method and were equivalent to those of the polyclonal immunofluorescence microscopy technique, since both methods discriminate intact cells. Overall, the IFCM approach was an accurate and relatively simple technique for the rapid enumeration of A. anophagefferens in natural samples over a wide range of abundance values (10 3 to 10 6 cells ml ؊1 ).