This article reports the formulation of tablets of ethanol extract Legundi as an adjuvant to anti-inflammatory drugs on breast cancer. Extraction was done by maceration method in 95% ethanol. Furthermore, the standardized extract which includes the calculation of yield, moisture content, ash content, TLC, and phytochemical screening. Tablet formulations prepared by wet granulation method in five variations of concentrations of Na-starch glycolate as a disintegrator. Fifth formula made have met the criteria of granules or tablets before felted mass of a good, include the levels of drying shrinkage (LOD), compressibility, flow rate and angle of rest. Fifth formula also has met the criteria for a good tablet includes uniformity of weights and measures, friability, and disintegration time. The results of this study indicate that the variation in concentrations of Na-starch glycolate as a disintegrator in the formula III is the most optimal concentration, i.e by 25 mg at the time were destroyed during the 12 minutes 36 seconds.