The article is devoted to the relationship between the physical and the spiritual in the process of education. Physical culture and as a process of physical education in a person should be aimed at the harmonious development of the personality, which combined: spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. Under the decisive influence of culture and physical culture, the development of society and, first of all, of a person of his personal qualities is carried out. Outside culture, outside the cultural design of human behavior and activities, the purposefulness and purposefulness of development are lost. The purpose of the article is to analyze and summarize the scientific literature devoted to the formation of a person's physical culture. It was revealed that the most dangerous deficit of society is the deficit of personality culture. The state of a person's culture is a person, soul, spirituality and harmony of society, the most characteristic, universally significant value. The level of development of the culture of the individual is a decisive condition for the progress of society and man. Culture as a universal phenomenon permeates all spheres of social life and types of human activity.